Is there anything better than the warm summer nights we've been having. For Bryan and I, they've been perfect for front porch sitting, baby room painting, and of course photo shoots! We've been enjoying some pretty incredible evening light and some really special people. Here is a little glimpse of what is coming up on the blog. Leave a comment to tell us which is your favorite photo and how you like to celebrate summer. We'll give an 8x10 print to the beautiful people in whichever photo has the most comments over the weekend. Thanks for stopping by!
Special thanks to the Apker Family, Espen, Judy & Ty, Micah & Laura, and Norah Jane for spending some time in front of the camera:
Norah | Six Months
This baby girl melts my heart! I hope that her parents approve because I have already decided she is going to marry my son. Sigh. If only I believed in arranged marriages.Seriously though, Norah is one of the most joyful babies I have ever seen. I missed her three month session so I hadn't seen her since she was two weeks old. What a sweetheart!
I have to tell you about the location because it is kind of special. When we were planning her beautiful mama's maternity session, we talked about taking them in a place where we could bring the baby once she was born. This month it was warm enough to venture back to Cooper Mountain Nature park. Click here to see the full maternity post and get an idea of how much her parents anticipated her arrival!
Chris, Trista and Norah, we can't wait to see you guys again soon!
Ok, I'm sorry but I just have to include these next two because they make me laugh. As you can see, Norah is always smiling. However, she got a bit concerned when she flopped over in the grass: once backward. . .
. . .and once forward!
On a final note, be sure that we can identify you from your comments because I'm planning on doing another drawing next week (it's been awhile). Your name will be entered once for every time you've commented so far in April and May. Now I just have to search for something lovely to give away.