Is there anything better than the warm summer nights we've been having. For Bryan and I, they've been perfect for front porch sitting, baby room painting, and of course photo shoots! We've been enjoying some pretty incredible evening light and some really special people. Here is a little glimpse of what is coming up on the blog. Leave a comment to tell us which is your favorite photo and how you like to celebrate summer. We'll give an 8x10 print to the beautiful people in whichever photo has the most comments over the weekend. Thanks for stopping by!
Special thanks to the Apker Family, Espen, Judy & Ty, Micah & Laura, and Norah Jane for spending some time in front of the camera:
Jewel & Mitch
Jewel and Mitch are awesome, that sums it up. They're both so kind and enjoyable to be around which made their engagement session a blast, and got me even more excited for their wedding. We took these pictures at Mitch's family farm and the high school where their relationship began. I really appreciate when a couple chooses locations that are special to them. Thanks so much Jewel and Mitch and I'll see you in August for your wedding! It's Tuesday, which means Leah and I are off to the Newberg farmers market! Stop by, but don't try to take our berries!!!!