Boise Family Photographer | The E Family

I spent a wonderful morning with this sweet little family in Boise. It was a cold, crisp morning, the sun was out shining it’s beautiful light, and I had such a great time behind the camera with these guys. We snuck outside for a few minutes, I couldn’t resist the beautiful backlight, and all that dreamy lens flare, it’s amazing that in 14 years of being a “professional” photographer, I’ve never gotten tired of lens flare.

As I edited these photos, I was struck by what it’ll be like for this little baby to look at these some day. That thought gave these photos a bit more meaning for me, because my hope is that he’ll be able to look back and see all the love that his parents had for him from the very beginning of his life. The older I get, and with being a dad, being able to look back and understand the past is something that I think is really important for all of us, and I’m honored to be able to document these stories.

E family, thank you for hiring me and spending the morning with me.
