Willamete Valley Sunset

Seasons | Hey it's cold outside?!?!?

I'm really thankful for the seasons. Each one is exciting and different, they keep things interesting. Fall has come and nearly gone. We have beautiful falls in Western Oregon, bright, rich colors and you can't ask for a more perfect temperature. The rain slowly creeps in and makes you thankful for the clear days, but prepares you to get cozy for winter. When I edited my last engagement session for last week, I "changed seasons" for the year with my business. The winter season is different. It's slower in a sense, I have a lot less shoots, but at the same time I have a lot more potential/current client meetings, marketing, accounting (this means a whole years worth of receipts in an ikea box, bad idea if you're wondering) and general upkeep work to do. It's the same work, just different. But I really like it. I like things having different seasons, and I think it's important. It gives you a chance to see things from a different perspective, to reflect, to make changes and to get excited. I take the winter season as a chance to recharge and to get inspired for the next wedding season, also a chance to sit by the fire, spend more time with my family, and of course, drink lots of coffee.

Things will be a little different on the blog for the winter months. I won't be posting quite as often and my posts will be a little different and hopefully include more photos of Wellington (Who's fifteen months old and tromping all over the place! Yikes!). I have some awesome shoots lined up for the winter and I'm really excited to share those as well, I've got one couple who's interested in getting out in the snow for an engagement session (did I mention I'm from Colorado?), which I am super stoked about.

This summer and wedding season has been amazing, thank you to all of you who've made it that way. I've had more fun behind my camera this year than ever before and it's been a huge year for me as a person and a photographer.

Although being in nature is a huge source of inspiration for my work, I don't take a ton of photos of it, not because I don't enjoy it, but because in each photo I think of how it would be better if there was a person in it, I guess I'm in the right field of work :). Here's some photos I took of the changing seasons up on a hill near our house last week.

Happy Tuesday everyone!
