Boise Familiy Photos

Boise Photographer | The S Family

The S Family moved to Boise around the same time as us from Nashville, we share some mutual friends and we’ve had a blast getting to know them and spending time together with our families. I always tell my wife Leah that Sarah and Ryan are so down to earth and easy going, I love hanging out with them because it’s so fun and comfortable, I feel like I can just be myself.

We meet up behind Camel’s Back in the Hulls Gulch area for their family photoshoot and I had so much fun wandering around the trails with them. The clouds and the sunlight were beautiful, and I know I always say this, but there’s always extra special meaning when I do shoots with people that I know, it reminds me how valuable and meaningful photos are. Enough rambling, but thanks to the S family for booking a shoot with me!
