The Emily G Family

Emily G is a dear, dear friend of ours. If you haven't seen her work, then you're really missing out, and I know first hand, she photographed Wellington's birth and his newborn pictures and did a fantastic job. I'm so grateful for those pictures and will treasure them always. (click on the links to see each, although prepare to cry if you watch the birth slideshow) Emily is more than just a great friend, I consider her one of my photography mentors. She has been so kind and generous and shared with me the in's and out's of how she runs her photography business, graciously answering all of my random question phone calls. It's so nice to have someone to look up to that's so transparent, thanks Emily.

A few weeks ago I finally got the chance to take some photos of Emily's family. We went to the Tualatin Valley Wildlife Refuge, and although we didn't get the golden lit sunset I was hoping for, it was still a beautiful evening full of fun interactions. As you can see, Emily's kids are super cute, and they have the personality to back it up. One of the first times I met Scarlett was in Chapters. While we were waiting in line for coffee Emily told me that Scarlett had slept in that morning. Before Emily came and sat down, Scarlett came up to me and whispered into my ear, "Wanna know a secret...I wasn't really sleeping." From that point on my heart was won over, this little girl had just told me a secret. She has such a great laugh as you can see in the photos, it definitely shows up :)

Emily thank you so much for everything that you've done for us and all of the memories you've captured beautifully. We're so grateful for your friendship and for who you are.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday!
